Tuesday, July 21, 2009

how to fall in love with a bridge

Rama IV bridge, Bangkok

see it as a racing blur
from an unpronouncable other bridge
and ask for its number from a common friend
who might have it,
but might tell you that they were seeing each other
which you could choose to ignore

move closer for that brief tumult of falling down
eyes still aching from the hurt of
watching someone you desire
move so much, so often
how can you possibly see everything..

and then see the stillness somewhere
closer, clearer, the starker lines
the fixed lights staring back at you
and even there you will fall
a vertigo between straight lines

some day when it leaves you
or you leave it, as things must be eventually
from afar you will see it standing, extended
maybe seemingly gaining weight

but still a fixed beautiful centre that extends
its slim welcome..

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